The After School program at the Upper Academy offers a variety of academic enhancement and enrichment activities, including homework assistance, among other activities. They are designed for students' academic achievement and social development. Students are under the supervision of qualified personnel familiar with his/her school. The Code of Student Conduct will be followed as it is in regular school.
The program at the Upper Academy is free and open on a first come, first serve basis. Transportation is provided as part of the program. If you would like to register your child in the After School Care program please complete an application in the Upper Academy Main Office. Each student enrolled must have an active registration form completed for the current school year.
Below are the hours of operation for the Middle School Enrichment/FIU After-School AllStars Partnership Program:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 3:10-5:40 p.m.
Wednesday: 1:55-5:40 p.m.
The last day of program operation will be Friday, June 2, 2017.
The program will not operate on the following dates due to Teacher Planning Days (no school for students) and Early Release Days:
Teacher Planning – August 30, October 3 and 12, November 8 and 23, January 23, and March 24.
Each day a nutritious snack will be provided for each child. Please notify the program manager of any food allergies upon registration. Parents are responsible for providing a nutritious snack that suits the needs of the child in the case the child cannot eat the snack provided by the program.
Upon registering your son/daughter, you will be afforded the opportunity to obtain the student accident insurance issued through the district. While the purchase of insurance is not mandatory, we recommend that you do so. This is a supplemental insurance plan and DOES NOT take the place of family or individual medical insurance coverage. It is your responsibility to become familiar with any insurance limitations and other information provided in the brochure.
After registering for the Middle School Enrichment/FIU After-School All-Stars Partnership Program, your son/daughter is expected to attend the program on all days that are scheduled for program activities. Students must attend a minimum of 4 days per week in order to remain in the program. Excessive absences will result in removal from the program. Continuous pick-up prior to the end of the program may result in permanent withdrawal from the program.
It is recommended that students attend the duration of the program in order to maximize students’ enrichment. Continuous pick up prior to the end of the program may result in permanent withdrawal from the program. Students must be picked up NO LATER than the times cited above. If an emergency arises, you are expected to make arrangements so that your child will be picked up before dismissal time and to notify the program manager accordingly. Parents who are unable to pick up their children on time, on a regular basis, will lose the services of the program immediately after the third late pick-up.
If a parent or guardian cannot be reached after exhausting all methods of contact, and/if all other children have been dismissed and the program has concluded for at least 60 minutes, the site manager may contact the proper authorities (i.e., police/Department of Children and Families) to pick up the child. The parent/guardian will be responsible for picking up the child from the authorities’ supervision.
Pick-up: Each student must be signed out from the office by an AUTHORIZED PERSON listed on the student’s registration card. The authorized person will be asked to present photo identification. Any person NOT LISTED on the student’s registration card WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to remove the student from the school.
Authorized Persons: ONLY those persons listed on your son’s/daughter’s registration card are considered authorized. Family members, if not listed, are not considered authorized to pick up your child. Verification by the program manager will be made before any child is released to a person not listed on the registration form.
Walk Home: A written notification from the parent/guardian must be kept on file if the student is to walk home. The time of departure must be specified in the written notification. The program manager must approve the student’s departure.
Absent Students: Parents or guardians whose child is absent from the program and are not listed on the day school’s absentee list will be contacted as expediently as possible. Parents must notify the Program Manager if the child is absent on any given day.
Changes in Dismissal Procedures: If there are any changes in the dismissal procedures for your son/daughter, daily or continuous, please notify the after school office in person or in writing immediately. This will help to ensure the safety of your son/daughter. If, for whatever reason, you pick your son/daughter up early from the regular day school program, please contact the Middle School Enrichment program manager as expediently as possible.
Activity Bus: An activity bus is available to take your child home at the conclusion of the program. Students must live within the boundaries of the school to take advantage of this service. Please advise the program manager if you would like your child transported, and you will be given a form to be filled out and signed. Once the completed form is returned to the program manager, transportation services will be requested. You will be advised as to the starting date for this service for your child and the drop-off location and estimated time of delivery.
Should your son/daughter become ill or injured during the program, you will be notified immediately and you must make arrangements to pick up your child at that time.
Should your son/daughter require medication during the hours that he/she attends the program, a permission form must be completed and kept on file. Please notify the program manager of this special circumstance.
Our schools are established for the benefit of all students. The educational goals of the school are accomplished best in a climate of student behavior that is socially acceptable and conducive to learning. Student behavior that disrupts this process or that infringes upon the rights of others will not be tolerated.
Your son/daughter will be under the supervision of qualified personnel familiar with his/her school. The Code of Student Conduct will be followed as it is in regular school. Rough conduct, disrespect to activity leaders, destruction of property or equipment, vandalism, use of profanity, or any other undesirable act will result in disciplinary action and, if necessary, removal from the program. You will be contacted about serious and/or repeated misbehavior. Continued violation of established rules and regulations will result in your son’s/daughter’s exclusion from the program.
Parents/guardians are required to attend at least one program event per year and must complete all required surveys in order for their child to be able to participate in this free program.
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that creates all other professions.