Welcome to the school age child care program at Bowman Ashe/Doolin K-8 Academy. A variety of academic enhancement and enrichment activities have been planned for your child’s time in our program. Among these activities are:
STAFF: Before and after school care program managers supervise activity leaders that have been screened by Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) to work directly with your children in small groups. All activity leaders are required to receive a minimum of 45 hours of state certified training.
SNACKS: Each day a snack will be provided for your child during the after school care program. Please notify staff of any food allergies upon registration. If your child is unable to eat the snacks provided during the after school care program, please contact our office. In this case, you will be responsible for providing a nutritious snack that suits the needs of your child.
PROGRAM HOURS: Below are the hours of operation for your before and after school care programs. Students who qualify and are verified as having free and reduced lunch status will be eligible for a reduced daily rate. Proof of free and reduced lunch status for each individual student must be retained in program files for future audit.
7:00 a.m. - 8:35 a.m.
$80 monthly (all students)
1:50 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
$100 monthly (all students)
1:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
$140.00 monthly (free or reduced lunch student rate)
$160.00 monthly (regular student rate)
If you would like to enroll your child in the Story Hour, Before, or After School Care program you must pick up a hard copy at the After School Care Office.
Payment forms: cash or check payable to South Miami K~8 Center. Insurance required for all Before/After School Care programs.
Upon registering your child, it is mandatory to obtain the student accident insurance issued through the district. No child may attend the before and after school care program without this insurance. This is a supplemental insurance plan and it is required even if you already have family or individual medical insurance coverage. This insurance DOES NOT take the place of family or individual medical insurance coverage. It is your responsibility to become familiar with any insurance limitations and other information provided in the brochure.
Payment: In person check. On line credit card
ELC SUBSIDIZED CHILD CARE TO OFF-SET PROGRAM FEES: Parents or guardians approved to receive subsidized child care through The Early Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe County (ELC) must adhere to the guidelines stipulated by this agency. Students approved to receive ELC funds may be eligible for a subsidized allotment that will off-set the cost for the 2013-2014 after school care program by up to $8.00 per day (part-time rate) and for the 2013-2014 all day school care program, up to $16.60 per day (full-time rate). Parents or guardians are responsible for program fees that are in excess of the subsidized voucher amount. If you are interested, the ELC can be reached at 305-373-3521 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The last payment is due on Monday May 14th, 2014 * C A $ H only !
FEES must be paid in advance based on the enclosed payment schedules. Fees may be paid by check, cash or money order. There is no partial payment for partial use of services. NO CHILD WILL BE ALLOWED TO BEGIN A SERVICE PERIOD FOR WHICH PAYMENT HAS NOT BEEN MADE.
*Certain program costs may be deducted from your federal income taxes and you should save your cancelled checks and/or receipts from the program. Ask your Program Manager for the needed IRS W-10 form (Provider Identification And Certification)
LATE CHILD PICK-UP FEE: A late fee of $10 per 15 minutes per family will be charged for children not picked up on time. Consistent late pick up may result in the child being withdrawn from the program.
LATE PAYMENT FEE: A late payment fee of $10 will be charged for payments not received by the due date listed on the payment schedule.
NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS/RETURNED CHECKS: If a check is returned for any reason to us for non-sufficient funds, we WILL NOT redeposit it. For your child to remain in the program, you will be required to bring only cash for the amount of the check and any additional service charge made by the bank, within 24 hours of notification. Should this happen more than once, we will ask that all your future payments be made in cash.
REFUND/CREDIT POLICY: A student absent for 5 OR MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS from the before and/or after school program, may receive credit for the amount of paid days absent. At the request of the parent, this amount may be deducted from the amount of the payment due for the following service period. Parents must notify the after school care office if you child will be absent on any given day.
BEFORE SCHOOL ARRIVAL PROCEDURES: Each child must be escorted and signed in daily within the school building by an authorized person listed on the child’s registration form. RELEASE OF CHILDREN: Children may be picked up any time prior to 6:00 p.m., but they must be picked up NO LATER than 6:00 p.m. If an emergency arises, you are expected to make arrangements so that your child will be picked up before 6:00 p.m. and to notify the after school care program manager accordingly. Parents who are unable to pick up their children on time, on a regular basis, may result in their child being withdrawn from the program.
Parent sign-out and pick-up: Each after school care child must be signed out from the after school office by an AUTHORIZED PERSON listed on the child’s registration form. The authorized person may be asked to present an official government photo identification card; i.e. driver’s license, state ID, military ID, alien registration card, or passport. Once the ID is verified, a pick-up pass will be issued enabling the authorized person to retrieve their child directly from the designated employee. Any other person that is not listed on the child’s registration form must present permission in writing from the parent or legal guardian and show a photo identification card that has been verified by the after school care office before the child can be released.
Authorized Persons: ONLY those persons listed on your child’s registration form are considered authorized. Family members, if not listed, are not considered authorized to pick up your child. Verification by the after school care program manager or designee will be made before any child is released to a person not listed on the registration form. Walk Home: A written notification must be kept on file or sent the same day that your child is to walk home. The time of departure must be specified in the written notification. The administrator or after school care program manager must approve the child’s departure.
Absent Students: Parents or guardians whose child or children are absent from the After School Care Program and are not listed on the day schools absentee list will be contacted as expediently as possible. Parents must notify the after school care office if your child will be absent on a given day. Changes in Dismissal Procedures: If there are any changes in the dismissal procedures for your child, daily or continuous, please notify the after school office in person or in writing immediately. This will help to ensure the safety of your child. If, for whatever reason, you pick your child up early from the regular day school program, please contact the before and/or after school care program office as expediently as possible.
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